Sunday, January 1, 2017

"Happy To You!"

We've eaten our good-luck sauerkraut with friends and family and have the half-empty crock and pile of dishes to prove it.  And now Genevieve is stirring up a batch of molasses cookies as her way of relaxing.  Ben is going to the park with a neighbor pal, and my husband is wheeling down his bike for a ride.  I'm off to the sofa to puzzle over a new knitting project.  If Phoebe was not napping, she would offer her all-purpose holiday greeting:  "happy to you!"  Indeed.


e said...

'Happy to you' is a wonderful all purpose greeting! Enjoy the couch time while you can get it... :-)

Becky said...

I love "Happy to you". How dear.

I grew up with the sauerkraut, but having decided I really don't care for it, even after making my own, I've completely adopted my husband's tradition of black eye peas and collard greens. So we had that.

BLD in MT said...

There is so much awesome in this post. It made my smile. I trust you all had a lovely holiday season. Happy New Year!